Father John Marcantonio assumed the position of Rector of St. Brigid’s Episcopal Church in February 2021.
When asked about his goals for St. Brigid’s, Father John stated, “What a privilege to have been called by such a dynamic and loving community to lead them in faith! We intend to grow, and partnering with others, become a vital force of love and life in Nazareth.”
Since his reception as an Episcopal priest in 2010, Father John has provided supply for many churches in the dioceses of Bethlehem and Newark (NJ). Most recently he served as Vicar at Trinity Church (West Pittston), Associate at the Cathedral Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem) and sabbatical supply at St. Andrew’s (Allentown).
Father John belonged to a Roman Catholic religious order (Salesians of Don Bosco) for twenty-four years, twelve of which as a priest. His priestly ministry included the roles of high school teacher and administrator, associate pastor, and Executive Director of a United Way-affiliated Boys & Girls Club.
Father John completed his MDiv studies while achieving an MA in Theology at the Pontifical College Josephinum (Columbus, OH), when it was a robust three-campus ecumenical consortium for Methodists, Lutheran and Roman Catholic students. He later obtained an MS in Religious Education and Youth Ministry from Fordham.
Father John’s work experience includes three years as a multidisciplinary case management coordinator for a Child Abuse Unit within a county prosecutor’s office, and twenty years in healthcare management as a Patient Experience director. For both, Father John performed these jobs as ministry.
An avid music and baseball (Yankees!) fan, a die-hard drummer, and a lapsed student of Qi-gong, Father John lives in Bethlehem with his wife, two sons, and pet pig, Fiona.