St. Brigid’s Supports Nazareth Police

St. Brigid’s collected $485 for the Nazareth Police Department to defray the cost of providing individual Spanish training for its officers. Police Chief Randall Miller made this request of the Nazareth Ministerium meeting on January 19th. Father John told Chief Miller: “Parish members were very impressed by the fact that the officers themselves made this request to better serve domestic violence victims who cannot speak English.”

Fr. John is proud to be an active member of the Nazareth Ministerium. Over the past year the Ministerium has invited individual community leaders to its meetings to have them explain their roles and challenges. In turn the Ministerium asks how it can partner with them in creating a better community. Past guests have included the Mayor, former and current School Superintendents, the Police Chief and Nazareth Downtown Manager. The Ministerium provides opportunities for joint ministry in serving those in need, and looks to extend partnerships with civic groups.