On June 2nd, Bishop Kevin Nichols made his canonical visit to St. Brigid’s and confirmed Michael Benson. To prepare for this day Michael attended four instructional zoom sessions on the Episcopal Church, addressing it history, polity, worship and beliefs. Several members of the parish joined him on these sessions for support as well as for their own renewal.

Following the service all enjoyed “a little something” (as we say here at St. Brigid’s), which was enough to feed a diocesan convention! After mingling and eating with parishioners, Bishop Kevin addressed the group and answered some questions. Many had never previously heard of Nichol’s Pickles, his hobby. One vestry quickly pressed him to supply a basket full for our Holiday Shoppe! The bishop spoke of the Reunification discernment and provided FAQ packets (see https://reunificationdiobethdiocpa.org/) He cited St. Brigid’s as a warm, inviting and hospitable space and community.